The April 2006 stakeholders meeting was the second such meeting and a followup of the January 2004 one, then held under the theme "Taking stock of the past and reaching out".
The meeting whose overall theme was: "Partnership in National Development: Building the Future Together" also aimed at providing a discussion forum for the major contributors to the University development process. The April, 2006, one-day stakeholders meeting brought together representatives from government, external and internal development partners, the private sector, coordinators of Makerere's various programs, the Central Administration, Deans, Directors, and students.
The opening session chaired by Dr. Lillian Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza, the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) featured presentations on "Building capacity for Instutional Development" from; The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Livingstone Luboobi, University Secretary, Mr. Sam Akorimo and Dr. J. R. S. Kaboggoza, Dean, Forestry and Nature Conservation. Prof. Joe Oloka-Onyango, Chairman, Organising Committee, was the day's emcee.
Prof. A.B.K. Kasozi, Executive Director, National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) then chaired the next session under the theme was "Research and the role of Makerere in National Development". Presentations were made by Prof. E. Katunguka-Rwakishaya on Sida/SAREC Makerere University Bilateral Collaborative Research Programmes and Dr. Maria Gorreti Nassuna Musoke on Carnegie's Support to Makerere University Institutional Development Programme.
The next session on "Situating Makerere in the National Regional and Global Environment" was chaired by Dr. Lillian Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza and featured presentations from: Prof. Nelson Sewankambo, Dean, Faculty of Medicine on the Infectious Disease Institute (IDI); Dr. Nakanyike.B. Musisi, Director, MISR, Executive Secretary, on The Makerere University Capacity Building Programme for Decentralisation; Prof Adipala Ekwamu, Coordinator, Regional Universities Forum for Agriculture (RUFORUM) on the Forum's evolution; and Mr. Bruno Erwano, from the Uganda Manufacturers' Association (UMA), representing the Private Sector on Makerere University-Private Sector Partnerships.
Mr. Herbert Rwamibazi, AH Consulting, then presented a report on the Institutional Development Program Report Harmonisation, which was then discussed by Mr. Muhammad K. Mayanja, former Director, Planning and Development Department (PDD). Ms Anne Kristin Hermansen, NORAD, then made reactions on the same on behalf of Bilateral Donors (Sweden and Norway) and thereafter Dr. Joyce Moock, Vice President of Rockefeller Foundation gave a historical background of the Strategic Partnership for Higher Education. Ms. Florence Nakayiwa, Senior Economist, PDD then made a presentation on Issues and Options to be used in the Next Strategic Planning Process.
In reaction, Prof. George Kirya, former Vice-Chancellor, Makerere University pointed out that in the Makerere University-Private Sector partnership, it was important to reduce jargon and communicate in a language easily understood by the private sector. Mrs. Christine Kiganda, Deputy Chairperson, Makerere University
Council acknowledged the Development Partners who had been with the University since 1940's and still continued to support institutional development at Makerere.
Prof. Apollo Nsibambi, The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister of Uganda and Chancellor, Makerere University in giving closing remarks commended Prof. Joe Oloka Onyango for making a good summary of this Consultative Meeting and urged him to be a loving critic and acknowledge where Government had done something good.